Kawai Skincare & Lip care Deal | Free shipping
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Kawai skincare & lipcare deal
1.Bioaqua Peach facial mask
2. Neutrogena hydro boost cream sachet .
3.veze mouthwash
4.sadoer vitamin c mask.
5.Lifteng face mask
6.hoafs blossom mask
7.Bioaqua rice gel mask.
8.images hair mask.
9.Bioaqua blueberry mask
10. Bioaqua collagen mask
11. Loreal expert shampoo
12.unicorn lip balm 2 in 1.
13. Lip gloss
14. Saiyzu raiceo sunscreen
15. Whitening mask.
16. 24k gold mask
16 products in 1500 with free shipping
Aneema –
Best deal at such a low price. The products are soo good . So satisfying
Aneema –
Best deal at such a low price. The products are soo good . So satisfied